Installing Lightning for Xcode


Posted by Karim on February 21, 2022

Lightning for Xcode is an Xcode developer plugin that improves development efficiency for iOS and Mac developers.

Lightning for Xcode has the following features:

  • Extracting Method Declarations copy the implementation of the function to extract the Method declaration
  • Generating Lazy Variable Copy the property declaration to Generating Lazy Variable code

To install Lightning for Xcode in Xcode:

  1. Quit Xcode;
  2. Enable Lightning extension in System Preferences -> Extensions -> Xcode Source Editor;
  3. Restart Xcode;
  4. Select the code you want to extracting;
  5. Use Xcode Editor -> Lightning menu;
  6. Enjoy coding!


You can set a shortcut (Key Binding) for any command via Xcode -> Preferences -> Key Bindings.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me and send email to

